Tuesday 22 January 2019

Comp 2 - Conventions - Hwk

Conventions of the form - Homework
Deadline - Tuesday 29th Jan.

Task 1 
Write an outline of what you plan to make. This will change, so don’t stress.

Task 2 
Explore the ‘Conventions of the Form’.

You should now have an idea of what you plan to make. At least a general idea of the direction and the form (i.e. gig poster, film poster etc).
Gather and annotate a few examples of artefacts to indicate the elements that are typically included.
If you find that there is not much on a single digipak or book cover, use a few different examples - especially if you are aiming for a 7 or 8.

Those looking at children's' picture books, you will find that once you have noted down things such as title, author, image etc, you will wish to examine some in a little more detail. Notice general things about the use of type, is it straight? what sort of typefaces? Maybe look at the size and shape of characters, how big are their heads? what expression do they have? You are after generalisations, not specifics for these tasks.

Those looking at album cover design, once you have completed stating that most albums have a title, image and barcode, you will want to look a little deeper. Try gathering some example from different genres (metal, country, indie, Blues, EDM etc) and noting the similarities or differences that they have. As an example, you may wish to spot at how Blues albums mainly feature musicians holding or playing their main instrument - probably guitar. This is due to the audience's fondness for seeing blues artists and being able to actually play rather than mime. There is an authenticity.

Time needed 
2 hrs. Use (at least) a double page spread. 

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