Wednesday 30 January 2019

Comp 2 mid term assessment - BIG hand in

Comp 2 midterm assessment
BIG hand in for all current work is Tuesday 12th of Feb.

There are 10 tasks.
Please ensure that all work below is completed, titled and annotated.
Annotation should include: intentions and a critical evaluation of the work completed. This basically means that you write about how well and how useful the task was.

Important! There are only 4 weeks to go until your exam! If you are unsure of any task, please either see the course blog ( or see me.

This is your chance to reeeeally impress.

Home Learning
Brainstorm of your theme

Gather related imagery
(a range of existing artwork related to your theme)

Drawings of subject matter in different media

Investigating using photography
(a range of your photography related to your theme)

Initial ideas
(sketch your first ideas!)

Write an outline of what you plan to make.

Explore the ‘conventions of the form

Further drafting of ideas
Written notes for artists research
Exploring and experimenting with media
Presented artists research and visual response

Monday 28 January 2019

Artist Investigation - Hwk

2 x Deadlines
Written analysis notes - Tuesday 5th of February
Creative presentation of analysis - Tuesday 12th of February


To further your understanding of graphic communication practitioners

Using the web, the list below and my books, research and present a contextual investigation of a relevant artist, illustrator, photographer or designer. 

Feel free to ask me for suggestions. The list below is just some interesting suggestions. Remember that you are looking for a designer or artists that could influence your work and that you will be working in the style of. 

Some are linked, some you have to copy and paste into Pinterest

The contents of the investigation should include the following:

Gather 4+ pieces of their work - bullet point why these pieces are characteristic of the artist’s work. Don’t describe them separately, look for similar traits. 

Explain your personal response and criticise and analyse their work. Use the relevant questions on the LOOKING AT ARTEFACTS sentence starters sheet to help your questioning and responses. 

The full 'Looking At Artefacts' sheet is HERE

Respond to their work by emulating their style or process. Take characteristics of their work and merge them with your own work. Translate the work into your own ideas. Don’t spend hours coping whole images. Copies don’t earn many marks - your personal response does.

For those students wishing to achieve the top grades:

Context GCSE Stretch and Challenge 1 Write about the context. What other designers are working at the same time? Include a range of illustrator's work

Influences GCSE Stretch and Challenge 2 Research to find out who the designer has been influenced by. To do this you may need to read an interview with the illustrator. 

Just Google "Interview with [illustrator's name]" and read a few passages

Tuesday 22 January 2019

Collecting artefacts - Choosing and drafting.

Tuesday task (Page Title: Thematic Artefacts)
1. Collect artworks, illustrations, artefacts, related to your theme.
2. Choose your ‘form’. (book cover, poster etc)

Thursday and Friday task (Page Title: Initial ideas)
1. Draft out potential ideas using either pen, pencil, watercolour OR photoshop or collage. Any creative way of playing with ideas is fine.

Just try things out.
You have no time to hesitate.
Just keep pushing at ideas. Even if they are 'wrong', you will still get a better mark and end result. Fill your pages.

Deadline: Tuesday 29th of Jan

Comp 2 - Conventions - Hwk

Conventions of the form - Homework
Deadline - Tuesday 29th Jan.

Task 1 
Write an outline of what you plan to make. This will change, so don’t stress.

Task 2 
Explore the ‘Conventions of the Form’.

You should now have an idea of what you plan to make. At least a general idea of the direction and the form (i.e. gig poster, film poster etc).
Gather and annotate a few examples of artefacts to indicate the elements that are typically included.
If you find that there is not much on a single digipak or book cover, use a few different examples - especially if you are aiming for a 7 or 8.

Those looking at children's' picture books, you will find that once you have noted down things such as title, author, image etc, you will wish to examine some in a little more detail. Notice general things about the use of type, is it straight? what sort of typefaces? Maybe look at the size and shape of characters, how big are their heads? what expression do they have? You are after generalisations, not specifics for these tasks.

Those looking at album cover design, once you have completed stating that most albums have a title, image and barcode, you will want to look a little deeper. Try gathering some example from different genres (metal, country, indie, Blues, EDM etc) and noting the similarities or differences that they have. As an example, you may wish to spot at how Blues albums mainly feature musicians holding or playing their main instrument - probably guitar. This is due to the audience's fondness for seeing blues artists and being able to actually play rather than mime. There is an authenticity.

Time needed 
2 hrs. Use (at least) a double page spread. 

Tuesday 15 January 2019

Investigate using Photography - Homework

Investigate using Photography - Homework
Deadline - Tuesday 22nd March.

Using your camera, go out and take pictures related to your theme. Don’t hold back! Variety and a creative/inventive/playful mind will produce the best results.
Remember, you have no idea what your final will be yet. That's 7 weeks away.

30+ images. To be presented in your sketchbook. 

Title: 'Photography investigation.'

Annotation should include 1. Your intention. 2. Any observations about the images that spring to mind and 3. An evaluation of the task.

Friday 11 January 2019

Explore using drawing - Classwork

Exploring your starting point using drawing.

Deadline: Tuesday 22nd Jan

Fill pages with drawings relating to your brainstorm.
Thos that struggle with drawing, FEEL FREE TO USE A LIGHTBOX.
Use a variety of different media. Look at the presentation above for inspiration.

Title: 'Exploring using drawing.'
Annotation should include 1. Your intention. 2. Any observations about the images that spring to mind and 3. An evaluation of the task.

Helpful links:   

Tuesday 8 January 2019

Gather Related Imagery - Homework

Using your brainstorm as a reference, you should now gather together related imagery. This can be anything related to your theme. Be clever, obvious, playful and creative with your choices
Include your own drawing. 
Create a clear title.

Remember! The more you can introduce your own drawing and creative making into your pages, the better result you will obtain!

Don't forget to annotate as you go along. What is your intention and what have you achieved at the end of the exercise. What interesting observations have you made along the way?

Deadline: Tues 15th of Jan

Brainstorming ideas

Over a page or two of your sketchbook or presentation, brainstorm the starting point that you have chosen. Be creative with your ideas and DON"T refuse anything that you think of. 
Fill up your pages and annotate. What are you attempting to do and what are the outcomes.

Deadline: Thursday 10th of Jan

Friday 4 January 2019

Exam start

Your Graphics exam will take place all day on Mon 18 and Tues 19 March. That's 10 hours. 
Your exam sketchbook preparation starts today, Tuesday the 8th of January. That's 9 weeks of school with a half term in the middle.
This is Comp 2 and the final 40% of your grade.
After the exam, there will be 2 school weeks of 'snagging' time for you to tidy up comp 1 and 2. 
And then you leave school!.

You will have been given an exam paper, but here are the starting points;
  1. Conflict
  2. Playing with colour
  3. The wonders of nature
  4. Networks
  5. Close observation
  6. Decorative
  7. Repetition and duplication
  8. Food
  9. Old and new architecture
  10. Light and shade
  11. Symbolic objects or places
  12. Skeleton
  13. Covering, clothing, and packaging
  14. Movement
  15. Negative space
Spend 1/2 an hour to choose a starting point that provides some interest. 
Then get started!